June 3, 2023

Top 3 Key Features You Need In Your Content Management System

As digital out-of-home (DOOH) networks have become more widespread, powerful, and capable, the tech behind driving and controlling it has evolved considerably.

Anyone with a laptop, a screen, and some creativity can put content on a screen. It is simple enough, and you can even replicate it to a few screens. However, when you need to scale it to more screens, it becomes increasingly more difficult. 

At the heart of any DOOH networks, managing large collections of digital signages require purpose-built tools that enable functions specifically tailored to the customer’s needs.

The capability of an advanced out-of-home CMS platform is the ability to intelligently filter, segment, and smartly distribute content that meets real-world business needs.

What is a CMS platform?

A content management system (CMS) is a computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content delivery on digital signages.

CMS allows screen owners to add, update, and optimise their content delivery. They can easily manage their content across multiple digital screens in different locations via a single cloud-based web interface. 

However, the adoption of CMS platform is slow and many screens owners are handicapped by outdated and primitive digital signage software that:

  • Requires manual scheduling and updating of contents
  • Has no reporting data on playouts, network health and player status
  • Unable to play content based on triggers
  • Lacks multi-OS support

Therefore, when you’re considering a CMS platform for your digital DOOH networks, avoid all the above, while keeping a look-out for these top key features:

1. Multi-platforms support – built for networks of all shapes and sizes and can be easily accessible, setup, and onboarded on-premise or on-the-cloud. You should be automating your content delivery in minutes.

2. Future-ready and built to serve intelligent content based on real-world conditions:

  • Contextual-based – Play the right content based on the demography of audience around your screens
  • Event-based – Execute a variety of event-based triggers – temperature, traffic, pollution, and more.
  • Custom-Triggers – Build custom triggers based i your specific requirements – e.g. stock levels, sales, and more.

3. Programmatic Ready – Programmatic is taking off in the DOOH space, so ensuring your network supports it is important for maintaining success into the future.

Example: Campaign Spotlight: foodpanda curates EDSA menu billboards with weather & traffic triggers, first of its kind DOOH

What the Future Holds for CMS?

Personalised and Dynamic Content – CMS is proven to be effective in delivering highly targeted and personalised content to the right user, at the right time and on the right channel. Digital OOH content management is the key in differentiating this personalisation.

Together with advanced analytic tools and integrating data feeds, both screen owners and marketers can identify and track their consumer behaviours based on audiences profiles and location intelligence, in which they can easily automate their ad delivery on a more personal level with the help of this DOOH software.

Scalability & Reliability – It is important to adopt a CMS software that is able to scale up with your business growth. With CMS tools, screen owners has the ability to manage their content on a much higher number of digital screens at multiple locations automatically, without worrying about limiting their business expansion. 

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